vienna-vienna-vienna, i am impressed! ...charming narrow alleys.. .. old white buildings which seem to have a soft apricot touch in the early morning.. ..(also delicious jam from the fruit with the name of the color of the houses in the early morning).. .. apricot!.. .. honey from bozen which tasted like collected by bees from paradise.. i am going to paint this ( will be a nice contrast to berlin-pictures)! i am going to see that again!
visited two parties last weekend. both times i went home early, cause i am still ill, but doubtless missed the peak of two really good events!
friday : "wurstsalon" a peach of a party without getting to sweet or artificial!
~(+++++) is the highest (-) is loooow ~
location (++++), musicians (++++), bar (+++), speakers (++), people (++++ cause i met friends i did not even know they where living in vienna), potential rave (+++++)
that is like i like it!
they just
need better sound, i do not have the technical knowladge but i think the speakers have had hang or stand a bit higher, letting the sound swash over listeners heads.
but i think they are going to fix that!
so if you got the possibility to visit a "wurstsalon", go for it!
saturday : "flex" club, viennas solid as a rock of rave?
location (++++), musicians (++++), bar (++++), speakers (+++++), people(++), potential rave(+++)
i think flex is a basic for vienna, that is good for visitors cause you can not do so wrong visiting it but viennaise youth might get bored in the long run.if you want to hear sound from finest speaker, you have to visit it! thoughts stimulated by friends and acquiantances will follow the next days...
now my body already is back to berlin. tomorrow my body is going to prepare my stuff for my move. perhaps my mind is ready to help, than!